Tell Us About Yourself. What does having money allow you to do? Provide for your family Feel secure Celebrate your accomplishments Experience new things and enjoy life Afford a lifestyle that shows you've "made it" You try your best to ignore money all together Still learning what to do with it Retire! You win $5000 what do you do with it? Give all or some of it to charity Deposit it immediately into a brokerage account Add it to your existing savings account It's found money! Spend it on a thing, an experience or a vacation You finally have an emergency fund! Put it under your mattress and forget about it Go to the casino Pay down debt Where do you fall on the credit score spectrum? Top of the heap (Excellent / Very Good) Work in progress (About average) Want to improve it (Below Average) No idea Do you have money left over at the end of the month? Yes every month Most months You're usually about break even Most months you dont You never do Is owning a home important to you? Yes and you already own one You're actually currently in the market for one You're saving for one someday You're renting right now, but hope to one day You're happy renting forever Not important at all You have bigger fish to fry Where do you struggle most financially? Splurging too often on little things which prevent you from affording larger/more important things Feeling like no matter how much you make, it wont be enough Both providing for loved ones while also setting enough aside to enjoy life Feeling comfortable spending money instead of only saving it for later Staying on top of bills and when they're due Using your money to impress others even when you can't afford it Effectively managing your money even if you have a bad credit history Climbing out of debt We will send you emails blah vlah First Name Email Address Yes, you may send me daily email tips. Submit Answers